Jamie Golombek: For a property to qualify as your principal residence, four criteria must be satisfied If you sold your principal residence in 2021, you need […]
Inside a little-known tax ‘loophole’ experts say is helping rich Canadians avoid millions in taxes The CRA has reassessed at least three companies, one owned by […]
Changing Compilation Engagement Standards As your trusted advisors we want to inform you of changes that will impact the compilation engagement(s) (informally known as a “Notice […]
Tax Tidbits Some quick points to consider… The annual TFSA limit for 2022 remains at $6,000. As such, if an individual has never contributed and has […]
It is the second year in a row of higher-than-usual increases for CPP Aside from inflationary prices at the check-out, Canadians will see more pandemic-related hits […]