Andy Gill

March 21, 2022

What you need to know as the CRA cracks down on principal residence exemptions

Jamie Golombek: For a property to qualify as your principal residence, four criteria must be satisfied If you sold your principal residence in 2021, you need […]
March 7, 2022

Inside a little-known tax ‘loophole’ experts say is helping rich Canadians avoid millions in taxes

Inside a little-known tax ‘loophole’ experts say is helping rich Canadians avoid millions in taxes The CRA has reassessed at least three companies, one owned by […]
February 26, 2022

It’s about time for this crazy RRSP rule to change

It’s about time for this crazy RRSP rule to change Some laws don’t make much sense. If you’re thinking of climbing a tree on municipal property […]
February 22, 2022

Seven ways to get a bigger tax refund

Seven ways to get a bigger tax refund Did you know that 70 per cent of individuals get a refund? The remaining 30 per cent either […]
February 22, 2022

Changing Compilation Engagement Standards

Changing Compilation Engagement Standards As your trusted advisors we want to inform you of changes that will impact the compilation engagement(s) (informally known as a “Notice […]
February 14, 2022

Pattie Lovett-Reid: What millennials need to know about retirement savings

Start saving early and save often. I know you have already heard this before but I do think it is worth repeating, and here’s why: it […]
January 21, 2022

Tax Tips and Traps – 2022 1st Quarter

Tax Tidbits Some quick points to consider… The annual TFSA limit for 2022 remains at $6,000. As such, if an individual has never contributed and has […]
January 2, 2022

A new year and new hike to CPP premiums – the largest in three decades – to hit Canadians

It is the second year in a row of higher-than-usual increases for CPP Aside from inflationary prices at the check-out, Canadians will see more pandemic-related hits […]
December 31, 2021

Why cash isn’t always the best gift, especially when it comes to your kids

Instead of giving your children a gift of cash, pay an expense for them Research has shown that when young children give a gift to someone, […]