
January 19, 2023

Six tips to cut your spending, bust your debt and increase your money in 2023

From inflation to high interest rates and a possible recession, this year is off to a rough start for most Canadians, moneywise. But here’s a silver lining: The […]
January 19, 2023

CRA clawing back $3.2B from suspect COVID-19 aid payments, but that’s just the start

Officials say the agency has already discovered about 25,000 cases of fraudulent payments tied to identity theft, ‘a scale we haven’t seen in the past’ OTTAWA […]
November 17, 2022

Restructuring: 7 tips for restoring business profitability

Follow these tips to breathe new life into your business A rapid market shift, disruptive technology, a more challenging performance target, unpredictable regulatory changes…several situations can […]
August 9, 2022

Increase to the Old Age Security pension for seniors aged 75 years and older begins next week

From: Employment and Social Development Canada News release July 21, 2022              Gatineau, Quebec              Employment and […]
August 6, 2022

If you owe the CRA money, pay up as soon as possible because the prescribed rate is rising again

Jamie Golombek: Here’s what you should be doing in anticipation of the looming interest rate increase Interest rates continue to rise. As a result, this week […]
August 6, 2022

Canada’s Tax Authority Has Been On A Multi-Billion Dollar Real Estate Crackdown

Canadian real estate owners are stuck paying a buttload in penalties after trying to avoid taxes owed. New data from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) shows their crackdown […]
June 24, 2022

Taxpayer hit with a TFSA over contribution penalty takes the CRA to court

Jamie Golombek: CRA can cancel penalty if it determines overcontribution a ‘reasonable error,’ withdrawn ‘without delay’ Despite the flexibility of the tax-free savings account (TFSA), from […]
June 4, 2022

Cash may be king, but it can cause headaches if the taxman denies your claims

Jamie Golombek: With no records, the burden of proof is certainly higher as this ‘independent spirit’ from PEI found out It’s often said that cash is […]
May 26, 2022

The top reasons why the CRA may review or audit tax returns

Are you a professional financial advisor? Register for Globe Advisor and then sign up for the new weekly newsletter on our newsletter sign-up page. Get exclusive investment industry news […]