Jamie Golombek: You can claim these expenses if you work at home but for professional not personal reasons Author of the article: Jamie Golombek Tax season is […]
Collecting taxes Parliament may never approve and going after athletes’ signing bonuses doesn’t help bring stars to Canada. Thanks to the overzealous Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), hockey players […]
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s announcement that he will resign and prorogue Parliament heightens the uncertainty around the fate of the capital gains tax changes, with affected taxpayers potentially […]
Ruling will help avoid discouraging athletes from wanting to play in Canada The ruling by the Tax Court of Canada involves a form of pension plan called […]
Inflation adjustment factor Each year, most income tax and benefit amounts are indexed to inflation. The CRA announced that the inflation rate that will be used to […]
Compared to other Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, Canada relies more on personal taxation revenues, which generally account for about 50 per cent of overall government revenues — […]